Welcome, bienvenue and make yourself comfortable! I doubt anyone will read this, but I've been encouraged to make an official introductory post should I ever start a blog. Lo and behold, I've decided to bring the hammer down and begin writing in a "public" forum.
Why? As a member of the ever-indecisive Millennial generation, I've spent most of my life avoiding that fatal question, "What do you want to do with yourself?" There's only been two passions in my life which I've been encouraged to pursue; music and writing. With the fading likeliness of the former ever becoming a reality, I've decided to focus more on the craft I can pursue comfortably in my road to middle age.
I'm not alone in this crisis. I've been fortunate enough to make friends from completely different walks of life who on the surface might only seem to have their age in common. I've heard these friends from disparate social standings and cultures confide the personal issues to me, almost verbatim. It's uncanny just how much the blonde, photogenic model from the Midwest and my eczema laden Chinese friend from Alhambra share the same lack of confidence, loneliness and general insecurities.
Before I decided to start a blog, I had a vague but inspiring vision that would address our problems and turn them into a shared badge of honor, as if to unite us even if it's our social disconnect that brings us together. I wanted to found a publication that would specifically be tailored to our uniquely bleak worldview, with 1990s nostalgia lists, how-to articles and no-holds barred emotional pieces that bring all of our vulnerabilities to the light. I wanted to create a forum of expression as an alternative to the mirage of social media; a no-bullshit where we can truly be ourselves without the self-imposed burden of image management.
Of course such an accomplished vision wouldn't happen overnight. After weeks of deliberating on this loose idea, the path of work it would take to reach the end goal became clearer to me. Before I launch the publication, I need to practice writing and organizing ideas in an accessible package. An easy-to-manage blog would be the perfect outlet for refining my ramblings. Furthermore, as an admitted neophyte to this tool, I need to familiarize myself with public blogs so that I may learn how to turn my own writing into something people would actually read.
So what can you expect from following this blog? As previously stated, I'm confident that no one's reading, but I will treat it as if I've already earned my audience and thus I will temper my long-winded expression, as if we were strangers sharing a deep conversation at the bar. Thus, under the influence of this atmosphere free of inhibitions, you will hear me airing my deepest insecurities, sharing day to day observations of this turbulent age and lamenting TV sitcoms from twenty years ago while indiscriminately disparaging the emerging pop culture as it continues to turn my hair gray.
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